

The information on this website is a marketing communication of HRK LUNIS AG, Friedrichstraße 31, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, which is intended purely for information purposes and does not claim to contain a complete description of the product features. They constitute neither an offer nor a recommendation/solicitation to buy or sell financial products and do not replace the essential advice and risk information provided by your personal advisor, which we expressly recommend before making any investment decision. If a financial product is presented, the investments underlying this financial product do not take into account the EU criteria for ecologically sustainable economic activities. Insofar as future performance is presented on this website, this and/or the relevant recommendations are based, among other things, on forecasts for the future development of the financial markets and corresponding simulations. These forecasts and simulations are in turn based primarily on past experience and specific performance data. We would therefore like to expressly point out that historical performance data, forecast calculations and other simulations are not a reliable indicator of future performance. We therefore cannot guarantee that the forecast values of the model calculations will occur. Where indicative investment opportunities or portfolio structures are included, the following applies:

The indicative investment options or portfolio structures presented in this information and any model calculations contained therein are based on the information and data previously provided to us in the course of an investment consultation, the accuracy and completeness of which we have not verified. In this respect, the investment options/portfolio structures presented, if any, are a representation that does not claim to be comprehensively suitable, but is rather intended to inform you about the general possibilities of an investment. In order to provide you with a final investment recommendation that is specifically tailored to your personal circumstances, we require further information, in particular about your investment objectives, your risk tolerance, your experience and knowledge of financial services and products and your financial circumstances. The products recommended in our action plan are based on current prices and conditions, which may change on a daily basis. This also applies to the investment proposals and model portfolios contained on the website and/or in our presentations, which may become irrelevant at short notice due to market developments and are therefore only of a temporary nature. A complete description of the characteristics of the products mentioned and a full description of the advantages and disadvantages associated with the respective products can be found in the respective underlying securities prospectuses or term sheets. We will be happy to provide you with these on request. This website information and the documents contained therein and the indicative investment opportunities or portfolio structures contained therein have been prepared on the basis of the (tax) laws currently in force. The validity of the information is therefore limited to the date of preparation of this presentation. Changes in the law, changes in the economic environment or other events may influence future developments in a way that deviates from our presentations (in particular with regard to returns and taxes). We ask you to discuss individual tax and/or legal questions with a member of the tax and/or legal professions if necessary. Although this website information and documents have been prepared with great care, HRK LUNIS AG cannot accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the content. Liability for intent and gross negligence remains unaffected. Unless expressly stated, all figures in this presentation are unaudited. This publication is intended for investors in Germany only. HRK LUNIS AG, Friedrichstrasse 31, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany